Email Marketing

E-mail marketing: A Review

E-mail Marketing or Electronic Marketing in its most pronounced sense, refers to a digital commercial message targeted directly at a group of consumers or prospective clients through email. This typically makes use of ads, business requests and well structured strategies to seek sales and give business a boost. The important purpose of undertaking these steps is to build trust among customers all while augmenting brand awareness.

E-mail marketing provides heightened ease of operation for a merchant to maintain constant contact with not only its current customers but also the ones they have dealt in the past. It opens doors for new business, maintains terms of loyalty and is often aimed at receiving repeated business.

How to use it?

Though it might appear lackluster in comparison to the in-vogue social media, the immense potential of email marketing cannot be underestimated. Here is what you should be precisely targeting at:

Envision your audience. A customer could possibly subscribe to you while checkout at merchant site or may come across your service at public platforms. You need to keep track of each kind of audience both existing and potential one.

Strive for the most convincing content. Every time, you have to serve something creative and out of the box. Nobody has got time in the already busy world to entertain poorly structured ill-fitted content.

The Pros and Cons

Your must know everything about E-mail marketing where things may possibly go wrong and right (mostly).

The Positives

  • Attracts the rightly interested audience.
  • Absolutely cost effective. Probably, the least cost intensive.
  • Extremely fast and far-reaching results.
  • Very high rate of response is experienced.
  • Use of Auto responders can make the email work on itself. No manual operation required at all.


The Negatives

  • High possibility of email going down the drain to the spam folder.
  • Lengthy, uninteresting content can be a turn off for the customers.
  • Too many emails from different marketers can hamper a customer’s interest and lead them to discard your emails at once.


With times calling for rapid advancements, E-mail marketing platforms like a few mentioned below have emerged to make the process even simpler.

  • iContact-Provides variety of predefined templates, support and live setup.
  • AWeber-High end features, cost effective, provides customized email campaigns.
  • MailChimp– Free supports along with specialized paid versions, simple user interface.
  • ExactTarget-Good for marketers with experience, wide range of templates.


Email marketing can be most ubiquitously capitalized by emphasizing on generating the most engaging and creatively enhanced content.

  • News Letter Email

All information about current products, sales and offerings can be listed in a timely newsletter published by the respective business houses.

  • Press Releases

They can grab you all the customers’ attention with practically no effort at all. Just out of curiosity generated by magazines and newspapers, they are drawn towards your services.

  • Survey E-mails and Invites

Always focus on customer reviews and invite them for occasional promotional events.

  • Video E-mails

Let customers hear you in person and visualize your products and services closely.

  • That thank you is crucial

Why forget to thank you customer for showing interest. Simply, drop in a Thank You E-mail and hit their soft corner. This works like nothing else.

  • The Tracking of E-mail Marketing

The tracking of marketing emails is necessary to track performance of each email and to analyze returns on energy and cost investments. This is basically done by tagging the emails with campaign tags that allow you maintain records of visitors coming through web based email clients like Gmail during a specified period.

E-mail Marketing can help your business in unimaginable ways for it gives the audience outreach like no other marketing tool. You just need to make the right move!


Udit Khanna is a Digital Marketing Course professional at Expert Training Institute, an expert in Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click, Social Media, etc. who helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. Previously, Udit worked as a marketing professional for various startups and tech companies. He graduated with B.Sc from IGNOU with a dual degree in Business Administration (Marketing & Finance).

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