Search Engine Optimization

20 Ways To Increase Website Speed And Improve Conversion

Believe that speeding up your site is not important?

Think again.

A delay in page load time yields:

  • 11% fewer page views
  • 16 percent decrease in customer satisfaction
  • 7 percent reduction in conversions

A few additional seconds might have a massive influence on your ability to engage visitors and make sales.

This implies that having a quick website is essential — not for ranking with Google, but for maintaining your profits.

How Conversions are Influenced By Website Speed Optimization

Slow rates kill conversions.

47 percent of consumers expect sites to load in two minutes or less — and a page which takes three or more seconds will be abandoned by 40 percent.

This means that if your website takes more than three seconds, you lose nearly half of your visitors before they arrive on your site.

And for your load times can deter them. In one survey, 79 percent of clients said they wouldn’t respond to a website with poor performance.

Improve Website Speed 1


This survey also discovered a delay could decrease customer satisfaction.

It should come as no surprise site speed that is improving improves performance.

After boosting their site speed Among the most excellent examples of this is the advancement in earnings and conversions of Walmart.

During their analysis, they found that they had obtained pages that loaded twice as fast.

Improve website speed 2

At the end of the website speed Optimisation, the following Outcomes were reported by Walmart:

  • For every one second of site speed improvement, they experienced up to a 2% increase in conversions.
  • For every 100 ms of improvement, they grew incremental revenue by up to 1%.

In another study, the association between conversion rates and load times showed a 25% decrease in conversion rates with only one extra second of load time.


 It is clear that putting in the effort could have a significant impact on conversions.

Still not convinced?

Consider that Google formerly experienced a 20% fall in traffic due to an additional.5 seconds in load period.

Along the same lines, Amazon conducted A/B evaluations where they delayed pages in increments of 100 milliseconds. They found that even little flaws resulted in”substantial and expensive” declines in earnings.

These are just two of the most famous and respectable websites in life — so if users are not prepared to wait an extra second for them to load, they likely won’t wait for you.

How to find out what’s killing your conversions

How Your Website Speed Influences The Visibility

Now that Google considers speed when your load times, websites may affect users can find you.

This is especially true now that it is rolling out its mobile-first index. As of December 2017, the search engine has started ranking all search results based on the mobile versions of pages.

Searches were outnumbered by mobile searches in 2015 for the first time, and its share of the search continues to grow.

This means that it to appeal to users to its search results. They don’t wish to direct their customers to websites that operate on their apparatus or will not load.

Because of this, the user experience will play a substantial role in search positions — even in search results.

This is the opposite of the index used to operate.

Before this change, it considered experience, although user experience has been a factor in positions. Therefore, if a website provided a bad experience, it had a shot rank on page one.

This is no longer true.

Pages rated and are indexed based on the experience they provide users.


So if you want to maintain (or improve) your rankings and visibility, it’s essential to know how to reduce the loading time of the website. You need to have a site that supplies a user experience — on any screen or browser size.

Why is My Website Slow?

You discovered your load time is slow while conducted a website speed test.

There might be several reasons. It might be anything to the amount from server load time to picture size or number of redirects you have.

That means there are a whole bunch of steps you can take to improve page speed. We’ll look at 20 of them. 

That means there are a lot to improve page speed. We are going to look at 20 of these. But before you start troubleshooting to improve website performance, you need to have something to aim for.

Let’s take a peek at what is considered a load time, to give you something.

What Is An Excellent Page Load Time?

Before you begin working on the speed of your site, it is a fantastic idea to set a goal for where you want it to be.

That may be not easy if you are not sure what page speed that is acceptable is.

According to its standard report findings that are latest websites are nowhere near this.

Google found that 70 percent of the pages examined took almost seven seconds to the content over the fold, in an investigation of ad landing pages crossing 126 countries.

Of all the industries they included, They comprised, none had an average to their best practice of 3 seconds.


The average time needed to load a landing page is 22 seconds if a site takes to load, but 53 percent of visits have been abandoned.

Plus, as page loading time goes from one to ten minutes, a user bouncing’s likelihood increases by 123%.


This means that site owners, in general, have a lot of work to do to get their sites up to par in Google’s eyes.

But on the other hand, it also means that if you put into getting your website speed, you are well ahead of the pack when it comes to user experience.

As you improve your website, you can use benchmarks and Google’s recommendations to establish your targets and measure your performance.

After all the search engines on the planet, Google may have a substantial effect on your success.

How To Speed Up Your Website In 2019

There are a great deal of variables that affect each page on your website takes to load, so there are many different steps you can take to increase your speed and improve user experience.

In this post, we will go more than 20 tips and practices to increase the performance of your site, and you can use it to reduce your load times.

And if this number sounds overwhelming — do not worry.

You do not have to do them all now, while all these tips may help you improve your website speed.

Your website may be in line if you have worked previously.

With that in mind, let’s get started.


1. Render Blocking Javascript

What’s Render Blocking?

Render means loading, so if something is render-blocking, it means that it is keeping the page from loading as quickly as it could.

Render Blocking Javascript

Google recommends 1 to eliminate or defer javascript that interferes with loading the above the fold content of your pages.

Over the fold signifies what a user sees on their display. That screen may be whatever the user has to see your webpage or a telephone, iPad.

Those that are into page speed, but is new to the majority of designers and webmasters have used this practice and can be somewhat confusing, and might seem impossible to perform.

It’s not possible, it’s also required to be a web citizen that is good, and you do care. If you don’t optimize for this, your rank in Google is at risk. Especially, if Google sees your webpage doesn’t load well for specific devices (telephones, Ipads, etc.) they won’t include you in the results because Google does not need to send users to pages that are slow or pages which cause the consumer to wait too long to the content.


To Identify Render-Blocking Javascript

You will need to understand what your page is loading. There are lots of ways to do this. It is wise to look at exactly what your page is loading with our page speed instrument to obtain a summary of the issues your webpage or motif faces. To find the files which are blocking rendering you ought to use the Google insights tool. This tool will let you know the files which are currently blocking a page.


To Eliminate Render-Blocking Javascript

An exceptional example of this and the culprit javascript is jQuery, which is a file that’s used on a proportion of webpages.

This javascript file is large. It might be the document your page is loading to render your page.

JQuery is a document and is utilized to perform things like a fade-out or in, for example. There’s typically no reason until you package your page to load, yet the majority of pages is doing it.

If the thing you’re using jQuery for happens beneath the fold, then there’s not any reason to load it until it’s needed. This page rate principle is not being followed by you if you’re loading it before, and you’re making your customers wait.

To correct this requires you to change where the call for jQuery is created. This is created in the HTML of your webpage. As shown below, the way sites are calling jQuery is at the mind of this document.

<meta name=description content=”description here.”/>
<title>title here</title>
styles here
<script src=”jquery.js”>

That call to jQuery (a rather large file) is made and has to be downloaded by the browser before anything else is shown on the page. This is Bad. This is bad if the thing you’re currently using isn’t even needed for the above the fold material, as shown in the picture.


The Solution That is Partial That is A Frequently Used

The call transferred because it’s not required until then to somewhere else down the page and jQuery is going to be removed from the head of this file. This is not enough.

<!– the things you don’t need jquery for (most of your page) is here –>
<script src=”jquery.js”>
<!– the thing you need jQuery for is here –>


True Solution

To remove javascript in the rendering path it will want to defer until after the page loads. I have a tutorial for this using the Google recommended solution that completely defers javascript.


To follow this well you Want to know what your page loads and it is loaded by it

Whatever your calls cost your customers more of the time. You want to begin knowing if you don’t understand what asks your page makes. JQuery is an excellent example because it’s so common and such a big file (about 100kb). An all too the frequent scenario is that a little webpage that’s simply 10kb is calling a large file such as jQuery (which is ten times bigger than the page itself) to do some mundane task like fade into certain words on the page. Although it was seen by you, is it cool to create your consumer wait time? The same effect could occur with CSS or javascript that is smaller.

I am not saying it’s bad although I used for instance. The exact things could be said of any third party javascript that shows widgets or even those Facebook that people love, or Javascripts such as analytics.


2. Leverage Browser Caching

What’s Browser Caching?

  • Browser caching stores page source files on a local computer when a user visits a page.
  • “Leveraging” browser caching is when a webmaster has instructed browsers how their resources should be taken care of.

When a web browser displays your webpages must load things when a browser displays your page.


What browser caching does is”recall” the tools that the browser has loaded. When a visitor goes to another page in your site your logo, CSS files, etc. don’t have to be loaded, because the browser has them”recalled” (stored ). This is why the first view of a web page takes more than repeat visits.

When you leverage browser caching, your page files will get saved in the browser cache. Your pages will load quicker and so will other pages that share those resources.

For those who found out that you will need to leverage browser caching and have tested your page, here is how you do it.

How to Leverage Browser Caching

  1. Change the request headers of your resources to use caching.
  2. Optimize your caching strategy.

Change your Tools to Utilize caching’s request headers

For many people, the best way is to add a code into a file called .htaccess in your internet host/server.

This means going into the document manager (or where you go to upload or add files) on your WebHost.

The .htaccess file controls many things for your website. If you’re not knowledgeable about this .htaccess file, please read my working with .htaccess article to find some understand how before changing it.


Browser caching for .htaccess

The code below tells browsers what to cache and how long to “remember” it. It should be added to the top of your .htaccess file.

<IfModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresByType image/jpg “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/jpeg “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/gif “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType image/png “access 1 year”
ExpiresByType text/css “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType text/html “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/pdf “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType text/x-javascript “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash “access 1 month”
ExpiresByType image/x-icon “access 1 year”
ExpiresDefault “access 1 month”

Save the .htaccess file and then refresh your webpage.


How to set different caching times for different file types

You can see in the above code there are periods like”1 year” or”1 month”. These are related to file types; for instance, the above code says that a .jpg document (picture ) ought to be cached for a year.

If you wish to change that and say you need your jpg images cached for a month, you will replace”1 year” with”1 month”. The values above are optimized for pages and blogs.

Alternate caching Way of .htaccess

The above technique is known as”Expires” and it works for most people using .htaccess so that it takes care of caching for most people that are only getting started.

When you are comfortable with caching, you might want to try yet another technique of caching that gives us more choices, Cache-Control.

It is also possible the expires method did not work for your server, in that case, you may want to try to use Cache-Control.



Cache-Control enables us to have control of our browser caching and a lot of men and women find it more easy to use installation.

Example usage in .htaccess document:

# 1 Month for most static assets
<filesMatch “.(css|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|ico)$”>
Header set Cache-Control “max-age=2592000, public”

The above code is setting a cache control header depending on file type.

How Cache-Control Works

Let’s take the above code line by line.

# 1 Month for most static assets

The line that is above is a note. It doesn’t do anything except notate what we’re currently doing. The .htaccess file ignores. Since you may have many sets of them as your alternative develops, this notice is advocated.

<filesMatch “.(css|jpg|jpeg|png|gif|js|ico)$”>

The above line is saying that”if the document is one of those types, then we shall do something to it…

The key part of the line is to observe there are different kinds of files recorded (CSS, js, jpeg, png, etc.) and the caching instructions that follow will apply to all those file types. For instance, if you didn’t need your jpg files to be redeemed for this period of time you can delete”jpg” from this line or if you wanted to add HTML to you could just add”HTML” to this line.

Header set Cache-Control “max-age=2592000, public”

Where the headers are added, the point is as well as the values are given.

  • The”Header set Cache-Control” part is placing a header.
  • The”max-age=2592000″ part is saying how much time it needs to be cached (using moments ). In this case, we’re caching for a single month that is”2592000″ seconds.
  • The”people” part is saying that this is public (which is great if you would like it to be cached).


The above line is closing the statement and ends the block of code.


Common Caching Issue

Bear in mind that this may mean all users may not see them, if you make a change if you record your text and graphics to be redeemed for a single year or any other period of time. This is because the consumers will look to cached files as opposed to the ones that are live. For those who have a file which you tweak occasionally (instance – a CSS document ), you can defeat the cache issue with URL fingerprinting.

URL Fingerprinting

Finding a fresh (not cached) file source is possible by using a special name. A good example could be if our CSS file was called”main.css” we can name it”main_1. Next time we change it we could call it”main_2. CSS”. This is useful for documents that change.

Caching Methods

It’s very important to specify among Last-Modified or ETag, and among Cache-Control or Expires max-age, for all resources that are cacheable. It’s redundant to specify both ETag and Last-Modified or to define both Expires and Cache-Control: max-age.


Udit Khanna is a Digital Marketing Course professional at Expert Training Institute, an expert in Digital Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, Pay Per Click, Social Media, etc. who helps companies attract visitors, convert leads, and close customers. Previously, Udit worked as a marketing professional for various startups and tech companies. He graduated with B.Sc from IGNOU with a dual degree in Business Administration (Marketing & Finance).

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