5 SEO Challenges For E-commerce Website in 2018
Once you get your e-commerce website is up and running, you are bound to ace some E-commerce SEO challenges along the way. However, the challenges that you may face differ according to the business that you are running. E-commerce SEO is very important for every e-commerce website, but it complicated for those who are new to it. Here mentioned below are 5 E-commerce SEO challenges that newbies may face when they start an e-commerce website.
Product description For Ecommerce SEO
You are sure to have a great number of products on your website, and the descriptions are mostly what the manufacturers provide. The problem is that customers are not attracted to such kind of information. Your descriptions play a great role in increasing your sales and therefore should be unique and well detailed. Even though you may have a picture alongside the description, it should tell the customer about things that cannot be determined by the naked eye. If you have plagiarized content, your E-commerce SEO ranking will be low as the algorithm focuses on unique words.
Loading speed For Ecommerce SEO
The speed with which your site loads is crucial to your Ecommerce SEO rankings. E-commerce has become so popular because it promises speed and it saves time. If your site isn’t able to provide the customer with what they need in a decent amount of time you are sure to suffer a great loss. Your E-commerce SEO rankings can take a hit, and that can destroy your business. To make sure this does not happen, you should be careful while choosing your web host. You should also look for online tools that can enhance your website speed.
Site design and redesign For Ecommerce SEO
Another thing that can affect your SEO ranking and website owners think of as a challenge is site redesign. Redesigns are necessary but can prove to be tricky. Pages that previously brought in traffic can be lost or misplaced. In such a case the website can suffer a great deal. A convenient way to solve this problem is that you can hire a graphic designer that can help you through the process and make sure that your website doesn’t suffer.
Posting user reviews For Ecommerce SEO
Posting interviews can go a long way in raising your SEO status. Customers feel comfortable buying products from sites that show authenticity. Apart from that reviews are also a great way to get unique data for your search engine optimization.
However, it can prove to be a challenge when customers post negative comments, this issue can be solved if you make sure that your customer service is reliable.
Increase options for customer service For Ecommerce SEO
Customer service can go a long way in making sure that your e-commerce website flourishes. Your company needs to have multiple options to interact with the customer. You can use helplines, live videos, tutorials, Message service, etc. your customer is bound to come up with a problem sooner or later and according to recent research if a website makes their customers wait too long the customer do not visit that website again almost 87% of the time.