You Might Not Be Using Google Analytics To Its Full Potential
In website business, success is determined with conversion rate. No matter where site ranks and no matter how it looks, if it has high rate of conversion. Average conversion rate of an online store is 1.4% and the best it can achieve is 3% and anything above 3% is the highest.
There are many tools ways of increasing conversion rate and Google Analytics is one of them. GA is a free tool that can provide real help in increasing conversion rate. Here, you’ll learn how GA can help in boosting the conversion rate of your website.
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- Monitor bounce rate
One of the most important elements in GA, bounce rate is directly related to quality and usability of a site. Lower bounce rate shows good performance and high bounce rate is an indication of low quality. It shows that the users are clicking back from your site fast. You should check what is driving visitors away and fix the problem before it becomes out of control.
- Calculate overall organic traffic
A good website has voluminous traffic and high conversion rate. With GA, you can keep an eye on your visitors and see who’s clicking on your site. Google Analytics has a very useful feature called customized alerts that will keep you updated about the activities going on your site.
- Use internal site search to improve UX (user experience)
Internal search stands for studying the data regarding visitors. You will come to know what your visitors are searching and whether they are finding the right answer to their search queries on your site. It is an opportunity to determine whether your site offers answers to popular queries.
- Compare conversion with SEO traffic
Access Assisted Conversions report to find quality of traffic from SEO. Get monthly report of conversions from traffic and compare the data. If you see that the conversions are declining but the traffic is steady, you should take it as an indication of low quality of SEO traffic. Also you can get location specific reports like country and city.
- Identify slow loading pages
Internet users don’t wait for long time to allow the webpages to download decently on their browsers. They will click back from the sites instead of waiting. Back in 1999, users were willing to till 10 seconds for a page to download but today, in the time of high speed broadband connectivity, the users want sites to download in 3 seconds or less.
- Analyze behavior of your customers
User behavior is a hidden gem in Google Analytics. The data will show whether the users click back in middle of the buying process or right at the beginning of the process. You can classify the data into male/female and small/big buyers to study individual behavior of buyers.
- Study landing page report
Landing page is the most important page as it is where a visitor comes first. Home page of your site could be the page to land your visitors but if they are going to the home page from your blog then you should first look at the blog.
- Use PPC data to improve conversion
If you can connect the keywords data provided by AdWords to the best landing pages, you can make a difference in conversion rate of your website. Connect the pages with keywords with highest CTR.
There are a lot of free and paid tools for improving conversion rate but Google Analytics certainly has an edge over others. If you are using GA but not getting real help then chances are that you aren’t using the Google Analytics to its optimum level.