Why Title Tag Optimization Is A Must For SEO?
A title tag is a simple HTML tag found in the header of a webpage. The title meta tag serves the objective of introducing the webpage to search engines and also to human visitors. It features prominently as a blue link in SERPs.
If you can write good title tags, you can give a good start to your SEO.
Here’re 8 factors to consider when writing title tags
1. Hierarchy of Web Pages in a Website
Every webpage has a title tag and it has to be different from others. While it seems easy to write tags, writing tags for sites with multiple web pages becomes a daunting task as it is difficult to keep things unique for a long time. It is where mapping a site with multiple pages becomes important. You can repeat words while providing more details about specific pages in title tags.
2. Relevance With Webpage Content
The title tag becomes more important for search engines and users when it describes the topic of the webpage. Writing the title tag with the keywords used in writing webpage content, URL, meta description and image alt attribute improves the relevance of title with the body content.
3. Unique Title
Using duplicate title tags could be wastage of time as search engines would ignore the duplicate words and choose the keywords for the blue link in the SERPs from the body content. Similarly, you need to be very careful regarding the title tags within a site with multiple web pages. Google Search Console and Bing Webmaster Tools can help find duplicate words, keywords and phrases in title tags.
4 Writing Title Tags With Dynamic Options
Large websites often have a huge amount of dynamic data to save hence writing title tags for pages of these sites becomes an uphill task. Here semantic coding of tags could provide real help. The tags are automatically generated by content management systems and website platforms. But you can customize the automatic tags by working on the settings. The objective is to scale the webpages instead of working on the pages manually.
5 Insert keyword in title tags
If the title tag doesn’t matches with the keyword searched, the webpage would go unnoticed. It is necessary you know how your targeted audiences are searching for your business. You need doing intensive keyword research before choosing key phrases for your title tags. The objective behind title tag keywords is to match the webpages with search intent of searchers.
6. Use Call to Action
The blue link in the SERP is your title tag and if it isn’t attractive or lacks force, it won’t be able to drive quality traffic to your site. When writing a title tag, your focus should be to answer the questions the searchers want to ask. Having a clear vision about your webpage would help the searchers to take swift action.
7. Keep It Simple
Practice patience while writing title tags as search engines are more concerned with context than keyword stuffing. You should avoid repetition of words so that the tags don’t look similar. The word chosen for writing tags should reflect the topic of the page and also match with the intent of searchers.
8. Don’t Overemphasize The Title Tags
You might put overemphasis on the keywords inserted in the tags. Writing title tags is a part of SEO as there are many factors to consider. When you are writing tags for page titles, you need to be straightforward in your approach.
The title tag is one of the many SEO elements and it has to be used in the context of other elements of the web page. The body text, alt text and other elements should match with the title tags. The tags should answer search intent and also they should have  Call to Action for the visitors.